Resources that may support ethics approval

Each participating university assumes responsibility for any approval required from institutional ethics committees/privacy officers for the use of the survey instrument within your university. However, the resources provided below may help to inform this process. A research proposal summary for the survey is also provided here.

Survey info leaflet

A generic version of the 2025 information leaflet that accompanies the email sent to the university academic population, inviting them to participate in the survey


A statement outlining publication plans for the Teaching Cultures Survey, including the confidentiality of survey findings from each participating university

Privacy notice

The 2025 Privacy Notice for the Teaching Cultures Survey, which includes information on the type of data collected, how it is collected and how long it is kept

Information relating to project management

Provided below are resources designed to help participating universities prepare for the survey. Further information is available on request, such as a 'sample' report of institutional survey findings, which offers insight into the scope and form of the confidential survey outcomes provided to participating universities.

Step-by-step guide

A guide for new universities joining the survey detailing the steps involved in preparing for and launching the survey, taken six weeks from survey launch

Tailoring the survey

Participating universities are asked to complete a 'tailoring the survey' form to allow the research team to tailor the survey instrument to your institutional context

Response rates

Based on lessons learnt from the 2019/2022 surveys, strategies are suggested on how participating universities can meet or exceed response rate target of 30%